terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2012

The weirdest diseases in the world


This genetic condition is characterised by the appearance of aging associated with elderly people becoming apparent at an extremely early age. Sufferers will have wrinkled skin, brittle bones, limited growth and baldness. People who suffer from Progeria will also typically have a small jaw and nose. It is possible that Progeria may have been the inspiration to the short story “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” about a boy who aged backwards, and Progeria was also seen in the movie Jack starring Robin Williams about a boy who aged 4 times faster than normal. Because of the rarity of the disease and the short expected life span of its sufferers, there are estimated less than 100 people currently alive with the disease at any one time. There is no cure

2. Human Papilloma Virus

The Human Papilloma Virus by itself it a relatively harmless and common problem which is often symptom less or only apparent in small warts, but when combined with immune system deficiencies can result in bizarre root like growths all over the body, resembling the roots you would expect to find on a tree. This is what happened to Indonesian man Ded Koswara, dubbed the “Tree Man” who contracted the unusual version of the condition after cutting his knee. A series of operations and Vitamin A tablets have helped the problem, but Dede knows he will never have perfectly normal body.

sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012

10 Very Rare Disease

1. Ichthyosis

It is a skin disorder wherein there is an excessive amount of dry surfaced scales that happens at an early age. This is hereditary, meaning; it can be passed on to the next generation. It is classified because of the abnormal epidermal differentiation or metabolism, making a person look like a tree.

2. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressive

This is a disorder on connective tissues and muscle tissues like ligaments and tendons, wherein there is a new bone being formed outside the skeletal system that limits the movement of the individual, induces the inability to talk, and limited diet that later would result to malnutrition. The ratio for this disease is 1 out of 2 million people in the world.

3. Argyria

It is strongly characterized with a blue or gray discoloration on the skin, which is caused by an excessive exposure from silver or an ingestion of silver salts, which are found in certain medical prescriptions. People who are prone to have this disease are those who work in mining industries that works on silver extraction and even those who are doing photographic processing.

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012

10 Most Common Diseases In The World

1. Malaria

Even though this disease is more common in developing countries in Southeast Asia, Middle East and some part of Africa and South America, many cases are reported every year from developed countries as well. This disease is caused by parasites and might prove dangerous if necessary precautions are not taken in time. The symptoms of Malaria are similar to flu and include muscles aches, fatigues, chills and fever etc.

2. Tetanus

This is a bacterial disease which affects your central nervous system. Like Diarrhea, it is not country or place specific. It is said to occur when your word gets contaminated with bacteria. Some of the most common symptoms of tetanus include spasms, stiff neck, fever, body pain. Tetanus is also called lock jaw. It’s a must that proper vaccination is done once the disease is confirmed.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is common in all parts of the world. In this, your bowel movements are in abnormally liquid state. This disease usually spreads through contamination in food and water. Since it causes dehydration, you need to ensure that you take Imodium or similar substitute so as to maintain the water levels.

presentation to the reader

It is with great satisfaction that opened a new space today: our blog. We think it became increasingly necessary to have a place where they could write about a big problema that affect the wolrd: a disease.
We focuses on information about the present situation, keeping a huge focus on providing as much information and answering common questions. 
We hope we can come to help some peoples that have doubts and you can pass information for us. For now, it´s all. As soon as possible, we come back with more information. 
Hugs, Luis Felipe and Wdson